The Albergue Embalse de Alcántara is inside the municipal term of Garrovillas de Alconétar in a singular landscape, antropogenic, where one can enjoy a lot of natural places and of the Reservoir of Alcántara, the second longest in Europe.
This Hostel is framed inside the Vía de la Plata, passing next to its the original Roman roadway and one of the lodging constitutes for the pilgrims that carry out this Route and the one on the Camino de Santiago.
To less than one hour in car are the cities of: Cáceres, Coria, Plasencia, Trujillo and other points of natural great interest as the National Park of Monfragüe, Canchos de Ramiro, Los Llanos de Cáceres with an incredible ornithological biodiversity. One can also enjoy the waters of the own Reservoir of Alcántara where one can swim, to fish and to carry out aquatic diverse activities. Inside the waters of the Reservoir they are the Tower of Floripes and the historical Bridge of Alconétar.
· Via de la Plata · Torre de Floripes · Puente de Alconétar · Garrovillas · Embalse de Alcántara · Parque Nacional de Monfragüe ·Llanos de Cáceres · Canchos de Ramiro ·